Sunday, January 22, 2012

I remember my first blog post

Hello! My name is Taylor Kurowski and I will be in 2nd Hour AP Psychology this year.
Having taken two AP classes already, I anticipate that this class will be difficult and have a heavy workload. I am expecting it to be worth it. I have taken regular psychology and found it so interesting, I am excited to continue to learn about it more in depth and expand my knowledge about the human mind and how internal factors affect behavior. I am excited to learn about disorders, I think they are so interesting and unique. The classes I have this term are: Anatomy, AP Psych, Concert Choir/APUSH, and Brit Lit. I understand that the only class that is somewhat similar to AP Psych is Anatomy. The rest are quite different. I've been taking APUSH since the beginning of the year, and since they both are advanced placement classes they most likely have similar workloads. I am excited to be in AP Psychology this year and to increase my knowledge about such an interesting subject.

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