Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Am Conversion Disorder

I am conversion disorder. I may cause you to become paralyzed, blind, or give you any other neurological (nervous system) symptoms. The most curious thing of all is that these ailments will not be able to be explained by medical evaluation. I may occur because of a psychological conflict, and it is likely that I begin to show up in people after a stressful event occurs in their life. People who are at risk to have me also commonly have either a medical illness, a personality disorder, or a dissociative disorder. Some doctors doubt my existence, but it is important to understand that people who suffer from me are not making up their symptoms, in fact, these symptoms cause them real distress and they can not be turned on and off at will. The physical symptoms I cause are often said to be an attempt to resolve the psychological conflict I mentioned before. For example, a woman who has beliefs that physical violence is not the answer to anything may suppress her violent feelings, when she has the urge to hit someone/something, I cause her arms to have the physical response of turning numb. Numbness is one of my main physical symptoms. Others include blindness, muteness, and paralysis. The symptoms I cause generally begin suddenly and the person I affect typically has a lack of concern about the symptom, which oddly increases with the severity of the symptom. I am usually discovered after the doctor does an examination on one of the patients and rules out all the physical possibilities of the symptoms. I can be treated by a form of psychotherapy called talk therapy. Stress management training may also reduce symptoms. The body part/physical function I debilitate should continue to be worked in either physical or occupational therapy until the symptom disappears. I do not cause life threatening symptoms, but they can be debilitating for days to weeks, after that the symptoms usually go away.
One of my victims

1 comment:

  1. Hello Conversion Disorder! It seems as though your disease is a form of psychosis. I have just the thing if you are open for treatment! Perhaps some anti-psychotics might be of some help! Anti-psychotic drugs block the activity of dopamine receptors. There is Thorazine that reduces hallucinations and delusions, but the side effects from too little dopamine may be similar to Parkinsons and cause sluggishness, tremors and twitches. There is also Clozapine that helps to wake up people with negative symptoms like apathy and withdrawal. Perhaps, if these don't work, we could always try some anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax or Ativan that depress Central Nervuos System activity. We might have to experiment around a bit, but I'm sure we'll find something or other to help your Conversion Disorder!
